Sea Holly, or to be a little more scientific...
"Eryngium alpinum, the alpine sea holly, alpine eryngo or queen of the Alps, is a herbaceous perennial plant in the family Apiaceae." Wikipedia's introduction to this thistle-like plant, loved by bees and other insects. Just behind the sea holly is some of our oregano, also loved by bees and others. Alpine sea holly is something of a strange name since the Alps do not feature so much in coastal areas. I guess it doesn't feel too far from home since it's been a successfull feature in our garden for many years now.
As I stood taking a few pictures I was enveloped in that garden buzz, the sound of many bees at work.
Garden work was the theme today as I planted the many plants given to us by Claire, including our first gooseberry bush - a Ribes Captivator - which when I checked on the web is a good plant for the first-time fruit gardener, or for children who like gardening! Should survive then hopefully!
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