Into Oban

After dinner,  by the water in Oban, we watched one of the new smaller ferries gliding in on a golden sea.  It was a mesmerising sight.  

Sad to leave Mull in the morning but it was very relaxing not having a ferry to catch until 5.30…  We stopped for a walk at Calgary to get some farewell sand in our shoes.  We wanted to have lunch in the Glass Barn but it turns out to be shut on a Sunday so we had sandwiches at the Pier Cafe in Tobermory. Bought some presents there and had a FaceTime call with Rory showing me round his new flat.  Thank heavens he’s in!  Lots to do but at least it’s all sorted and he can make a fresh start. 

We caught the ferry over to Oban.  Our hotel is fine with a lovely view over the bay and in the evening we left the dog in the room and walked down to the EE USK or Ee-usk restaurant for a good fish supper.  Not great but we were comparing it to the Ulva Boathouse and chez @treshnish and it was never going to beat them!  Our Swiss neighbours from Middle at Haunn were in there too and we chatted outside looking at the sunset before walking back to our hotels together. 

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