
So, I decided not to go to the race today. I was burnt after yesterday and did not fancy another day in the even hotter sun with all the unknown travel chaos. What I did fancy was a swim, lunch and watch the race on the telly.

So that’s what I did. I went to Margaret Island, a beautiful park with no cars allowed just one bus. I was a bit worried when the bus stopped outside the swimming pool and everyone got off that I had picked the second most popular place to be in Budapest today. No need to worry, there were swimming pools as far as the eye could see of all sizes, shapes, temperatures and purposes all full of people there for their Sunday. It was just fabulous. I swam a load of lengths in the practically empty 40m pool, wandered round everywhere else and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Then a wander down the island through some lovely gardens to a small strip of restaurants. Picked Hippie Island, sat myself with river views and established they had both the Grand Prix on their telly and excellent wifi. So I stayed for the afternoon, read my book, watched the race, had lunch and drinks. All in the shade.

Back to the hotel to meet up with the gang and go out for dinner. The power of google once more, the first restaurant recommended by yesterdays v chatty taxi driver was full, mainly of Red Bull fans it looked like. They suggested a place round the corner, that was closed. So a quick search found another restaurant round the corner which was absolutely amazing. Extra of the lake and castle for when I can manage to load it.

Dinner, finished off our military rummy from the other night while the restaurant people waited for us to finish the last hand so they could go home.

And they sold my ticket for 70 Euro!

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