Na Macaret.
Quite a busy day. Early morning appointment with an official translater to make some British documents valid - she was struggling to read the handwriting on my birth certificate, though it was perfectly legible to me, written with an ink pen in 1950s beautiful copperplate.
Next, a trip to Truvi to get a plant to commemorate my mum's death 50 years ago yesterday - she loved geraniums so I got a pink one, as well as a ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) simply because it was reduced to 15 euros from 45. I always buy the bargain corner plants because it's so rewarding to see them bounce back and flourish, as opposed to the perfect specimens which I always seem to kill off.
Late afternoon was a biennial family photoshoot for a lady in the village, who likes to record (every 2 years) the progress of her (now 8) grandchildren. This is the view behind them. Getting 15 people to not gurn or blink is quite a challenge.
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