Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Hot dog!

Both dogs have had a tough few months while the builders are here. They have been subjected to mobile lockdown, moving from front to back, inside, outside and lastly, much to their delight, the no dog zone back garden. 
I was worried they might bother the tortoise, Frankie, but a quick sniff followed by rushing about like  loonies, doing as most possible pee the shortest possible time. Once the novelty wore off they wanted to get out. Baldrick figured out how to open the gate at the speed of light, thus proving that he isn't as dumb as we thought, just will never, ever do as he is told, for example, sit or come here etc.
Last night Baldrick became sluggish and this morning he wouldn't eat and spent the whole day in a sort of dopy daze. 
This evening he is back to normal but not hungry. It was probably a combination of stress and heat.
I have been bothered by unwanted thoughts this evening but was able to recognise them for what they are, didn't get into a poor me conversation with them and ......poof.....gone. 

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