
On my way to football - I wonder what the story was? Looks like a hat it would be worth chasing if it blew off your head. So why didn't the owner retrieve it? Football was the third one-sided game in a row as it was out turn again to win by the proverbial barrel-load (I think a ten goal margin counts as barrel?) My touch in front of goal wasn't the best, although further back I was more effective in creating chances for others. When I hit the bar I thought it would be another goal-less week for me but finally scored, putting the ball between the keeper's legs - does that count double? Not sure what has gone with the team selection. I thought this week looked   more even with a few minor amendments from last week but maybe our team were just better balanced, blending fitness and experience and playing to each other's strengths more. Who knows. No doubt next week things will swing the other way again.

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