
By Nettenet

My first ever….

Blip meet. Yay!

Today, I met the lovely Heartfreek at Wisley with both O & J in tow.  HF arrived before me and was already in the queue when we met.  We had nearly got to the entrance when I realised I left my pass in the car.  Only meeting her for two minutes she was dumped with my grandson whilst I sprinted (Ha! Slow jog) back to the car to get them.

Once in, we slowly meandered towards the play area.  O wanted to hold Js hand but he wasn’t so sure, I mean who blames him they had only just met for goodness sake :-D. In the play area they both enjoyed the different areas and then it was time for snack time.  We sat out on the grass where they shared snacks.  Well, O devoured most of Js crisps. Not shy in coming forward ;-D  They ran around together, picked flowers and had a great time.

It was soon time to make our way back to the cars and for me to take delivery of a very special gift (see extra).  

I’m not the greatest at meeting new people as I’m quite shy but thoroughly enjoyed my morning with HF and because of blip you already feel you know the person quite well.  I’m hoping that she would like to meet up again for a play date ~ the boys that is ;-D  and we might manage to grab a coffee too.

I absolutely love the cake slice she made to commemorate Sim & Nat’s wedding and I’m sure they will too. Thank you HF 

After Wisley I took O back home and waited for his daddy to get home to hand over child care duties.  The next time I see them will be when I arrive in Northumberland next Tuesday.

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