campervan man

By campervan

Just waiting for the salmon fillet

And the Jersey Royal potatoes.
I always think a food blip is a bit of a cop out (my second one in four days) but I had nothing else very Blippable today.
My main activity involved doing things I have not been allowed to do for several months. When we laid our Indian sandstone patio the stones arrived in big wooden crates, I don't know what the wood was but it was solid hardwood and well constructed. I have used three of these as compost bins for quite a few years but they are now in the wrong place, they need emptying and moving.
The bins had two types of stuff in them; the top layer of unrotted plant stuff and the bottom layer with good stuff that needed spreading over the vegetable garden. It became like a military exercise - bin 1 top stuff onto bin 2, bin 1 good stuff spread. Bin 1 empty. Bin 2 top stuff (including bin1 top stuff) into bin 1. Bin 3 top stuff into bin 1. Bin 2 and 3 good stuff spread. Bin 2 and 3 empty. Bin 2 moved to location. Bin 1 stuff wheelbarrowed to bin 2 in new location (many trips) Bin 1 empty. Move bin1 to new location.
It was at this point things went wrong as bin1 collapsed whilst being moved. It was very rotten and not repairable so the precision moving operation was put on hold while I dismantled (smashed it up with a big hammer) the bin and put it in the incinerator ready to burn.
Bin 3 successfully moved to new location.
If you have just read all the above firstly I apologize for writing it and secondly you might now understand why I blipped my dinner

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