First of all thanks to all who visited my 12-year anniversary blip yesterday and left lovely comments, hearts and stars, and also good wishes for my knee. I've felt the benefit of the injection today and had a very busy day clearing clutter and trying to make the house look presentable and tempting for the photos the estate agent took this afternoon. I was able to run up and down the stairs like a mountain goat, hiding things under beds and in cupboards, though I've needed to rest a bit this evening. I'll catch up with you all very soon.

After I'd dropped a car-load at the charity shop I drove past the Marina as these three fire engines were parked up with the crews doing spectacular things with the high pressure hoses, but I couldn't park along the road to catch a blip. By the time I'd driven round the block and been caught twice at the level crossing, then gone into the free car park and walked through to see them, they were just driving away, so that's my blip. That's the old Custom House in the background right, now converted into flats.

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