A nice brooch?

I'm sparkly enough... But that seems like a boring gig. Maybe I should go into show business? Center stage in a Vegas Act... Huh? Can you see it?... I think I may give it a try. Because quite frankly, I've got way too much drama going on to to be a mere bug.

More Dramatic

This tiny Green Immigrant Leaf Weevil was on the sliding door this afternoon. He's about 5mm long and didn't care for my large lens invading his space. But I didn't let that stop me. I stalked him for miles inches, climbing mountains step ladders to get my shot. Whew, that was exhausting... But, I got the shot... Victory over a tiny bug! What has blip done to me? ;)

I also stalked a wolf spider, many flying things, bunnies and chipmunks. I thought I had several shots in the can today and would have a hard time choosing. Well, much to my disappointment, the quality just wasn't there in any other shot. So, the Leaf Weevil gets Blip fame.

BTW he truly is this color. I messed around with vignetting but didn't touch the saturation. It just took a low powered flash to get him to sparkle.

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