
I had a call from No,1 this morning at 7.30 to say that the doctor had done his rounds and they wanted to discharge her.  She felt she was not ready to come home and felt anxious about being discharged.  I drove over via Sevenoaks (detour to take a dress back and also have a quick beak in a few other shops).  I arrived at the hospital and bumped into Trisha a really lovely lady who is No.1’s coordinator.  She agreed that it was sensible for her to stay another night and go home tomorrow and No,1 felt happy with this.  I stayed till 6.00 and we sat in the roof garden and chatted and also sat with her while she slept.  The bruises are going down and starting to fade.  When she gets home rest and home surroundings should help speed recovery.  Onwards and upwards.

No.1 did an insta post today after deliberating some time - close friends and family know what she has been going through but she felt it would be cathartic to post about her journey - massive outpouring of good wishes and positive comments.  Onwards and upwards.

Home to argue with OH again - stress is so strange, why am I so unpleasant to nearest and dearest but managed a cheerful conversation to an old friend who reached out after reading No.1’s post?  

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