Point de Vue

By Alsacienne

Annual photo exhibit

So tonite, I got to open up our photo club's annual photo exhibit to great fanfare. (that's me there, standing at the podium and microphone, delivering my remarks as president of the club).

The exhibit features 128 pictures from 31 photographers and is a collection of all the winning images from the monthly competitions we hold throughout our year.

The cool thing about a photo club of employees from the IMF and the World Bank is the sheer diversity of viewpoints: not only do our organizations have staff on board from over a 120 different countries who work next to each other, but we also travel extensively -- to all corners of the world. That allows us to capture environments, people and events -- both far-flung and local.

It's a good group; it was a fun evening :)

Several of you asked for a link to the images that won the exhibit and I've added this now. Under the same account, you can also find the sets with the images that won our monthly competitions.

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