The Ringlet butterflies are nearly done for the year now, so to complete my set of images for the year, here’s an underwing shot that highlights the ringlets that give it it’s name.
The wildflower meadow in the park is perhaps not buzzing with as much life as it was pre-pandemic, but there was still a good variety of butterfly species: Comma, Gatekeeper, Green-veined White, Small White, Small Skipper and Speckled Wood in addition to the Ringlet featured. There was also a Brown Hawker dragonfly.
Later, I stopped off at Esholt on my way back from work for a pre-season friendly between my two most local teams: Baildon Trinity Athletic and Salts FC. Baildon are a tier down in that they play in the district level Craven League while Salts are in the county level West Yorkshire AFL. The difference in quality showed, with Salts easing to a 5-0 victory.
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