I've been itching to get a photo of this rather "organic" :-D vehicle ever since I first spotted it in Chudleigh. It is covered in lichens, & so mouldy. I do wonder if it's on the road legally but I guess it must be. I need to ask Liz Gill of Gill's Florist & greengrocer who the character is that drives about in it.
A couple of hours spent on the plot early morning, then down to walk Indie. The road to BT is closed temporarily for roadworks so a great opportunity to do the Little Bovey loop, stopping off to check out the DWT managed pond along the way. 2 female Mallard on the small island in the middle. Very disappointing. Managed to negotiate the very wet, muddy track back onto the heath. Herbie passed me on his bicycle as I headed back into the village. He put a smile on my face. Good on you, Herbie!
Coffee & Danish with Mum.
Drove across to Ideford to catch up with Jan. Had a coffee & chat out on the deck. Stan, kicked off so had to go in the shower room. Lucy enjoying the sunshine in the aviary.
Left Jan, phone rang, hubby ready to leave hospital, so instead of going home I drove straight to Torbay. Scan results showed nothing nasty, thank goodness. Hubby wanted a beer, a frue d coincidently rang, he was in The Ship, so that's where we went. I bumped into a local that I have'nt seen since CK youth club days, that would have been 52 years ago. I recognised her immediately, so while hubby had a beer with his mates, Stella & I reminisced.
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