Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Hello Sunshine!

Rise and shine! Hello Sunshine!

Where shall we go today? I'm sure that was Livy's question as we headed out early doors. The answer was school which probably wasn't her dream. :-P It was a glorious sunny morning which even the slight nip in the air could not spoil.

More progress made in school today; I can see the light at the end of the tunnel glistening a little brighter. :-)

A blast home on two wheels with a stop off at Mum and Dad's for a brew, and a couple of games of badminton with Mum in the garden.

And then...the heavens opened and I got a good soaking coming back home...and the rain hasn't stopped since. It's so dark now too, mainly because the Queensbury fog has rolled in. :-P

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