Feed the . . .

. . . ducks. Today we paid a visit to Pollock Park and the Burrell Collection. Our first visit since its reopening and we thoroughly enjoyed it. I had forgotten how diverse and eclectic the collection is.

Our journey, however, was not without incident. On the way there the bus broke down before we left the city centre. On the way back we had an horrific experience when a food delivery cyclist pulled across the path of the bus and the driver could do nothing to avoid hitting him. The cyclist wasn't badly injured but appeared to have some damage to his ankle and his hand. He was obviously very shaken, as was the driver. The delivery cyclists are a real menace in the pedestrian areas of the city and I'd be surprised if there haven't been some bad accidents. I really wish I hadn't been involved in this one today but I was so grateful the outcome wasn't worse.

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