
By Ilja

Preparing for the next game

An average tournament day: breakfast, cleaning up and preparing for the day's game (the opponent's old games are viewed behind the laptop to determine what kind of opening they would like to play), then to the playing room, where they play an average of about four-five hours on their games (a game can last from 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM). After the game, the game is analyzed together with the opponent if both feel like it. Then get the groceries, back to the house and eat. To spend the rest of the evening watching the games of other acquaintances for fun and looking up results, and of course keeping an eye on whether the new opponent is already known... That analysis involves a lot of fun: all kinds of other chess players join in and they have a lot of fun. Lots of humor and fun. Just like in the house, where a number of other chess players also stay. It has the atmosphere of a school camp, with a block of serious chess in between. In short: the boys are having a great time, and so am I.

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