Journies at home

By journiesathome


'Subcultures come into existence when you find yourself in a country that isn't your own but you find that your own isn't either. ' 

I'd like to assign the above to a bone fide sociologist but can't , so will just admit I made that up.

That said, Mu came up with an effective definition of us as middle class by proxy or  La Bourgeoisie Munchausen..

It's a pretty good moniker.   

We're hardcore Europeans who got our Europeanness stolen and are left here with the language and the moeurs but not much else in terms of status. 

So we get to look after empty homes belonging to British peeps but uninhabited because of the 90 day law.  They want us to look after their pools and actually use them so it looks like someone's about.  

And they want us to MOT their cars and give us permission to use the aforesaid because they're grateful. 

Which is how I finally got to get behind the steering wheel of a 1970 2CV and drove it up into the hills to 'keep the engine turning over'.

It's for sale ('We can't be here long enough to use it')  But at 6OOO bucks it's beyond my budget. 

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