Poor Pickles

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Today is was rotten weather in Wellington. ROTTEN.

This was bad because it pretty much sabotaged my plans for after work activities:

- Beer
- Pickles
- Secret Hitler

About eight people were due to come, including Ellie. But one by one they all dropped out.

NOOOOOOOO, howled Briar (via text). 

I reassured her that we still had me, her, Jefe, Manda and Ellie. That was enough for Secret Hitler. 


I think I'll stay home (texted Briar).


I texted back. 

I'M SO SORRY, she replied. 

I mean. It's okay. But I was a little annoyed because I had brought in BEER and SECRET HITLER and SIX PICKLES IN A TUPPERWARE CONTAINER. 

All for nothing.

So Ellie, Jefe, Manda and me hastily replanned. We decided to do an impromptu Supper Club instead. We went to Ernesto's - a Cuban place where this picture was taken. 

In the foreground is a "Cocktail Tree". And next to me you can see Ellie doing her "Jojo" voice. Jojo was her very posh English grandmother, and so occasionally Ellie will adopt a very plummy accent and say things like, "Oooh this will NEVAH DO, DEAH!!"

It was so lovely to see Ellie again, I just love her. She's had a stressful few months and so we haven't been able to catch up for a while. She was on excellent form as always. At one point she stood up from the table. I looked at her quizzically.

"I'm tucking away a FLAP, deah!" she informed me. "Yes! Right in the middle of the restaurant! I don't f*cking care!"

Manda and Jefe left early (Manda was feeling unwell) so the two of us just stayed and chatted. Talk actually turned quite serious and we discussed stuff and things. 

It was good to catch up and support each other. I felt better for having talked to her. 

But after the 2nd carafe of sangria, I started to feel a little under the weather. She walked me to the station and I gave her a hug, then leapt on the 10.15 train to Paraparaumu. 

It's about an hour on the train. And after 15 minutes I was aware my mouth was quite dry, and I was feeling quite sweaty and I had pins and needles in my hands. 


I did my best to hold on. I watched a documentary on YouTube and tried to think of other things and leaned into the cool breeze when the doors opened at every stop.

But just in case, I took off my coat and jumper. And wondered - if I NEED to spew... Where would I spew?

By Paremata, things were getting desperate. I was smacking my lips and feeling tingly. I took out the Tupperware container of six pickles and opened it up. Hurriedly.

And just after Mana station...


It wasn't as horrific as I'd been fearing. I expected a projectile chunder but it was basically just a big burp followed by a bit of sangria. It was a very neat, self-contained spew. A spew-lette, if you will.

And I felt SO much better. I sealed up the Tupperware container again and looked around. Either everyone was being very discreet or no-one had noticed. 

And that was it. I didn't even feel drunk. I'm guessing I'd just over-sangria'd. 

I relayed this to Ellie when I got home. She'd been a bit concerned about how I was looking. 

"Oh Symon, those poor pickles!" she replied. 

I guess I should thank Briar for making me take along that Tupperware after all. 


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