Come On Barbie, Let's Go Party

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Briar has been talking about the Barbie movie for about a month. I decided to organise a trip to go see it and immediately Fazzy POUNCED.

"I want to go!" she insisted.

I asked if she wanted to bring Zay and Hani with her. 

"No!" she replied, horrified. "NO! Just NO!" 

I was surprised.

"It's NOT a kids' film!" she insisted. 

So a plan evolved. Jefe, Manda and me went to Fazzy's house at noon where Shahier had made a most excellent lunch. Jefe had been invited over to assess Fazzy's house for A/V technology. 

And he LOVES this stuff. He gave Shahier and Fazzy excellent advice. I could tell he was in his element. In fact I think Jefe had a wonderful day overall. He loves kids and I could see him bonding with Zay. It was a side of Jefe I don't see often and it was really very heartwarming.

He also got into a great Wii Tennis match with Shahier that left both men giggling, whooping and laughing. I hope that Manda and Jefe go spend time with the Fazzys without me sometime. 

But then it was time for the big event. We made our way to the movie theatre where we met Briar and Olivia and went to see the film. 


I just loved it. It was big and funny and thoughtful and camp and MUSICAL. Margot Robbie was wonderful as Barbie but I have to say that Ryan Gosling kind of stole the show as Ken.

And all I could hear all the way through was Fazzy laughing out loud. She absolutely LOVED it. I mean, look at her - JUST LOOK AT HER - in today's blip. She's such a pink, girly, fluffy, girl. I've known this about her for about two years now and it just makes me melt. She's ADORABLE.

"There can be only one Fazzy," I smiled at her. 

"Fazlander!" she replied. And then we both got lost in giggles. 

So it was a lovely, lovely day. I came home and had dinner with Caro and smiled to myself for the rest of the evening. 

I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world.


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