What Chocolate Biscuit?

After dropping the Cygnet off at playgroup SWMBO and I dropped in for coffee at a friends house She is getting over a bit of depression and it is better if she gets the occational visitor rather than trying to brow beat her into going out.
Her husband was glad of the break from trying to put together a barbeque which came in about 300 bits with less than helpful instructions.
Maybe it wasn't such a bargain after all.

It has been a lovely sky all day (long may it continue).

Some more pond weeding has been done - I have yet to bite the bullet and like the overgrown baskets with the reeds and beat them into submission.

While SWMBO joined Bags and the little monsters for fun in the sun at Beecraigs Country Park, I set to attacking more weeds in the back garden and even started lifting the brick path which has become completely overgrown and rather 'lumpy' due to tree roots.

God am I stiff now!
I almost hope that the weather isn't so good tomorrow so I wont have to do any more.

Yesterdays fungus was still there today - so I took a closer shot to show more detail and also one from below to show how it inverts its cap as it matures.

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