We got the bus to White Moss this morning. Then a walk up through the wood, onto the fell and along to Rydal Cave (blipped). Don’t think I’ve ever seen it as busy but perhaps that’s because I don’t go at weekends. After that it was downhill to the shore of Rydal Water where we sat and ate our sandwiches. Onwards through the wood to Rydal and a short detour to the tea shop for coffees (adults) and ice cream (children).

We were out longer than I expected but in addition to the food and drink stops there were others for playing poohsticks, cave exploring, pebble skimming, looking around the grounds of Rydal Church, crossing stepping stones on the River Rothay (not me) and at the play area in the park.

We saw three pigs in a field beside the Under Loughrigg road. First time I’ve seen pigs in the area.

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