
By rat

Ben Lui

Some short, but heavy, showers in the night so a damp tent to take down - and a struggle to get it back in its bag!
The forecast was not good and (unlike yesterday) didn't turn out better than stated. We decided on a walk along a path Mr Rat found on Thursday and it started off up Glen Cononish and over a couple of rivers and then uphill through a lovely woodland.
So far, fine (apart from muddy patches) but then it started raining quite hard. Hoping it would stop we carried on up not really knowing where we were heading, my thought being that it was up the nearest Munro though we hoped it would cut back to the valley.
Some descending walkers confirmed it did go up the Munro, which we wouldn't do, and as the rain was still quite hard we headed back down. The rain did stop and we had a pleasant stop by one of the rivers in some sunshine and 5 mins from the car (and almost dry) the rain came back!
Into Tyndrum and fish and chips for lunch, and drying out, and then home.
It was bright and breezy here so we put up the tent to dry it only for a sudden shower to necssitate bringing it indoors. We did get other things dried and aired, though.

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