Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus

View over Olorte

On our first day in Olorte, the group was split into two with one group going on a forest walk and camping under the stars that evening and the other group building a mud wallow or building and painting furniture at a local school.

I was part of the group who were constructing the mud wallow in order to attract wildlife like buffalo into the area (one of the reasons for wanting to attract the animals is as a form of natural security after the installation of solar panels) and despite it being a lot of hard work and quite tiring at times, it felt good to finally be doing something to benefit the campsite. However, Anna and I managed to find this lovely view while everyone else was working. It is where Andre, who runs the campsite, built his house room (entirely open out onto this view) and it was just beautiful!

I have made a photobook, which is viewable in PDF format but also ebook for free, that you can have a look at in order to see more of my photos accompanied by text if that interests any of you!



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