Blooming Scotland
I seem to have forgotten to take a photo yesterday. We headed to a pub in Hammersmith for a very blustery birthday lunch. At one point a branch fell on the neighbouring table so we retreated! I was somewhat scuppered by a migraine but it was regardless a very fun afternoon.
An early night beckoned (well, relatively) as we had to get up way too early this morning for a taxi to the busiest Stansted I've ever seen (that'll be the summer holidays kicking off then). Luckily we were there early enough to not miss our flight to Edinburgh. A quick stop at Mrs B's house to tidy up and clear some more stuff out of the way so she can get about more easily when she gets home, then off up the road to our rented cottage in Argaty (near Stirling). Ominously, the car was making an odd noise (yes, you all know what's coming next).
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