Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Meeting new people

You are five thousand miles away from the small English town where you were born and in the middle of nowhere on a six month hike across America when you bump into someone … from your home town. 

What are the odds? 

Latest pic from The Girl Racer on the Pacific Crest Trail. As you can see she’s loving it. Walked 42 miles in one day last week. Outrageous …

We met new people for the first time together today. Ms R’s parents. Lovely people. We got on really well despite the language challenges. They have a lovely warm vibe. I really must learn Hungarian…

Also spent an hour and three quarters on a video call with my brother. New world record for us. Fab.

Other excellent news: Every Day Matters coming down from Newcastle next week so we are meeting up for a day. 

TSM and I hung out together this morning after she took the Aussie contingent to the airport for their trip to Scandinavia. Did some gardening before the heavens opened. Lovely.

Really good day.

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