I think he saur'us.
Some early DIY purchasing set Mr B up for a day finishing the ceiling over the stairs (with, sadly, no more comedy moments of heads being stuck, no matter how nicely I asked). We also finally made up our minds on a shade option for the terrace. Mr B has realised that he just doesn't have time to buy wood and make a 'proper' cover himself, so we plumped for a kit pergola that probably even I could put together.
The rest of the day, for me, was spent in the garden. Weeding, admiring tiny broad beans and peas, eating strawberries (shh, don't tell the kids - gardener's perogative), planting more lettuce to replace the plants that rotted away in the last month of loony rain. Later there was lots of strimming which has resulted in both Mr B and I commenting on just how big our terrace is. Which is good, in terms of space, but bad in terms of being a bit intimidating for the day we finally get around to covering it with something sensible that is not grass. Just like our hoover, the strimmer only works for a little while and then needs a bit of a break to cool down, so strimming the garden may take some time...
After this morning's warm sunny start, the weather clouded over and was very close and steamy. I could hear thunderstorms far off in the mountains, and we had some rain, just after we let this lizard out from the bucket I found it trapped in. Later the weather felt must fresher and the sun came out again for a lovely evening barbecue. Eating outside is where it's at. Long may it last...
TallGirl, by the way, pronounced herself nearly fully fit this morning and was horrified at my suggestion of a day off school. Rest assured, I try not to call her a girly swot too often. Meanwhile, a notice on the school gate that nits are back arrived the day after I scalped CarbBoy's hair. Sigh. So now everyone will think it's us again (it's not) after it was me who raised the last alert.
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