Morning Shadows

A long, tiring day. Yet - a productive and happy one: we bought a new (used) electric car! A 2020 Chevy Bolt EV, kind of a flat gray. I don't have a picture of it yet, because it took for-ev-er to get out of the dealership place in Gresham. Geez Louise. That made us late for the Olson party where we stayed until Eric had to peel me off the floor; I sort of melt into a puddle under the table after 9 pm. I forgot my phone at home so no party pictures; this one of our morning walk will have to do. 
However in the Extra is a screen shot of our Bolt from a Google search. We have been talking about getting an all electric car on and off for a long time, and suddenly took action today and now it's a done deal. We traded in our well-used and well-loved '02 Honda.
I loved driving the Bolt home; it felt safe and was fun and no buyer's remorse had set in yet. In fact, none has yet to set in. The strangest part is how I do feel as though we pulled a fast one on friends and family because we really didn't discuss it with anyone, just barely mentioned it at all before buying. And why does that matter? I don't know.

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