The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Buzz Off

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I went to visit Mary Doll and Victor today.

Mary Dolll had met friends for coffee earlier in the week

MD: “I had a Portuguese tart. I always have one of those. Your dad likes them too so I brought him home a tart.”

Me: “That’s very open minded of you.”

MD: “Princess!”

Me: “Or were you referring to yourself?”


I also got the saga of “wasp gate” when she was driving home from her coffee meet up (with a tart) and spotted a wasp on the window on at the driver’s side.

MD: “I could see it out of the corner of my eye. Right there at the window. Waiting to get me.”

Victor: “To be clear…the wasp was on the OUTSIDE of the car.”

Me: “Whaaaat? How was this scary?”

MD: “It was going all round the seal, trying to get in. It was still there when I got home.”

Victor (laughing): “She came running in the house and asked me to go and see to it.”

So Victor did as asked. When he came back inside, Mary Doll asked if he had seen the stalker wasp.

“Yes,” he answered. “It said ‘thanks for the lift!’”


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