Mono Monday

I don't usually enter the Mono Monday Challenge but this photo turned out okay in Black & White. It is actually a very pretty Hosta flower. See extra. Thank you, Nicimags888 for hosting MM. 

Ellie's mommy returned home last night; she flew in from North Carolina. She says she is going to look for a job here. She has moved back into her parent's home with Ellie. Our son is so loving and patient with her. Ellie is excited and hopeful. I am cautiously hopeful. It will not be easy for any one and none of us expect it to be a perfect transition. Ellie is happy but already called me this morning upset at 10 am that she couldn't get her Mommy up (her Mommy promised to get up with her this morning). But it seemed to work itself out once her Mommy got up. Stay tuned. I suspect there will be some  drama in our future. 

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