midwife crisis

By lulubelle

It is a mystery how she has such a pink nose , not only does her mesh fly mask cover a good part of it , but the amount of sun we’ve had in the last few days wouldn’t tan a flea !
Finally got out for a late eve hack with Susan and Helen in Sopwell, it’s our last for a while with me on Daisy. It was a good paced walk only as Susan forgot her hat !
Something always happens we ride together and today we got caught up in the troubles of an anxious elderly couple and a lively nervous untrained big puppy that wouldn’t be caught or get in the car. Not their dog and the lead broke, so not their fault. We did our best calm dog whispering impression , nearly got her but not good enough, she was a fast wriggler ! Left them with a plan and they weren’t in the car park when we got back .

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