Homes and Gardens

I have some lovely hydrangeas in the garden and have tried to dry them a few times.  Mr Google suggested filling a vase with water and letting the dry in the vase?  I'm not sure about that but they do look pretty and I sent a picture to M (after removing the golf magazine and my glass of wine)!

Today was Monday so I did BP first thing and OH took No.1 for her appointment at the RM.  We have been taking it in turns to attend appointments and he tends to do the Monday RM appointment.  It is always a stressful time with lots of waiting and worries about scan results, blood results etc.  However today was good news with confirmation that recent surgery had reduced the cyst by 90% which should alleviate the symptoms.  They also managed to get a further sample of the tumour and have confirmed the classification (what it was before - very rare!).  The next cycle of chemo will start in two weeks alongside a drug trial which has been approved in US by the FDA but not in the UK yet, although they have seen 'encouraging results'.  The consultant is never brimming with enthusiasm and everything is delivered in a monotone but I suppose that is the nature of the beast - they deal in facts, not feelings.  However we felt very encouraged by the news and after a sleep (very early start) No.1 was encouraged too. 

Onwards and upwards

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