
I'm still settling back into post-Camp life. Somehow, in the few days I was away, the grass had grown into a low lying jungle, so that was half the day with the mower. This little Agrimony isn't from our garden but I liked the way the tight depth of field isolated it against the sunlight meadow. The tiny flowers will do, I think, for Tiny Tuesday.

It's Lammas / Lughnasadh and the first of the three seasonal harvests. A lot of the wheat and barley has already been taken in but the weather has left some waiting to dry out. This is the point on the eightfold wheel of the year where the Sun is deemed strongest, although as you know it's not been very evident this cycle.

Janet decided to redecorate the hallway in a charming shade of English Breakfast Tea today, with added aspects of minor body modification... still, all is well and all is mopped up. What with mrs 'cover me in plasters' and mr 'broken glasses' we're quite a pair at the moment... ;-)

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