Village hall kitchen

A lunch club day where teams of volunteers take it in turns to make soup and pudding once every two weeks. These three ladies proved to be camera shy and I feel quite happy with the way I caught this. A lovely day of working in a team and of chat. People arrive to an outer area for a cup of tea, coffee and chat before going into the main hall to eat. The numbers vary from week to week, the poor organiser has no idea how many will turn up, today 17, plus 4 carry outs to people who cannot attend.

The village hall was a millennium build, EU money that provided a large village hall, bunk rooms for visitors, more recently a library and this easy to work in kitchen. The kitchen is used for various local cooks to provide takeaway meals to us lucky people, also a place to prepare food for weddings, social gatherings, dances and so on. I have spent many hours in here.
I thoroughly enjoyed my day out although quite happy to remain in the reserve team.

Extra shows the hall, never a good place to take a photo and two pusscats, nothing to do with lunch club, one outside on the new decking and little girl looking out onto it. I didn’t want to move anything to take this, they most certainly would have moved.

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