From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

My legs are hanging off!

It was an OK day work wise. Oooops! All that sunshine and cremated pork chop has made me so sleepy I have been nodding off mid blip.

Tesco Man called just after ten as usual. I was determined to get a discreet picture today but after he'd put the first crate down and turned around to go back for the rest, in my haste to get it out I dropped my phone into the crate and it landed with a clatter in the Mini Magnums! Drat! I felt a tad silly but I escaped with my antics unnoticed.

Foxy was in the garden early today and posed quite nicely before going to sleep behind a bush for the day.

I had a burst of energy after work and decided to walk down the Coventry Road to the footbridge by the old airport hotel where mom used to work years ago. I thought I might get a great picture of the rush hour traffic. How boring is that?! Actually, I think that would be a good picture in the winter when it's dark but it was a bit pathetic today.

The best bit was the worried looks from all the drivers below! I could see concerned faces looking up as I paced backwards and forwards. Maybe they thought I was going to jump!

Anyway, I didn't hang about too long before trundling back. I was hot and tired when I got back home. Seriously, if I yawn any harder now, I'm going to dislocate my jaw!

Track? One of my favourite Gary Moore numbers - The Loner

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