Don'tchya wish your gherkin was hot like mine? Don'tchya?
A day keeping the girl busy. Unpacking, a bit of shopping, and fermenting. We pickled the gherkin in a sweet dill vinegar and then started some kimchi.
The health benefits of fermented food are many. It provides good bacteria for your gut, it reduces blood pressure, and aids mental health and stress issues..... all this by just pickling a cabbage or gherkin! Although the smell when making kimchi is pretty grim and gets worse daily.
A call with the boy today was a nice surprise. He graduates on the 18th of August, sadly we won't be there. There is no ceremony in Korea, at least none that he is telling us about, just a certificate. Then there is the job and police checks, doing this in a foreign language is causing him grief.
Yoga and bed for the girl, tomorrow is her new big day! Clever girl.
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