Waiting on Some Beautiful Boy ....

When Boy was little he was enthralled when the "big boys" invited him to play with him.

On one such day, he came to the garden and asked if he could go and play with the Big Boys at the School. The school was only 200 yards down the road, and I agreed.

Boy returned twenty minutes later, and told me that the Big Boys had got him to play a game of "throwing the milk cartons at the wall"... I dragged him by the collar and stomped off down to the school, and there before me was a field of devastation. Umpteen cartons of milk emptied from their crates and smacked and burst against the wall. Boy was confused. He had done a good job; he had done what the Big Boys had asked him... but he knew in his heart he had done wrong.

I found the janitor, and presented Boy to him. "What do you say to Mr Robb?".

"sorry" Said Boy.

"Away and chase yourself, yon Boy is a good lad, it was those bad lads told him to do it, there's not a bad bone in this wee body".

So I went and deposited Boy in the garden and went and found one of the bad boys, and explained Age differentials. I pointed out that they were three times older than Boy, and I in turn was three times older than they; if they tried to do the dirty on my Boy again, I would be there to do the dirty on them.

And later.... after one of them threw Boy from his bike.... I did exactly that right back at him.

Doubt now that at 6'4' he needs his mum to fight his corner eh?

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