Hello Lovely Blippers,

It was a job getting out this morning without the rest of the Silly Saturday Gang, but I made it!!  I heard last night that the HCBs both had eye appointments at Leightons, so I made sure I crept out of the bedroom without any of the Silly Saturday Gang hearing me - and I’m very good at creeping!

When Mr. HCB saw that I was in the car, I pleaded with him to take me so he shoved me into the grey bag and off we went for his appointment at 10 o’clock, but not before settling Mrs. HCB at Jack’s so that she could have a cup of coffee before her appointment at 10.45.  

You all know how much they love going to Leightons, and today was no exception - Wendy and Sara did their usual jobs well and then Mr. HCB went in to see Gurpreet, a new young lady to them both.  Mr. HCB had stars in his eyes when he came out, so had to explain to Mrs. HCB why - obviously he’s not too old to appreciate a lovely young lady!!  

When it was Mrs. HCB’s turn, Gurpreet had to wait while Andy sorted me out in front of the Gucci stand - and of course, as I am named after Leightons, they found a card to put in front of me, so that Mrs. HCB could take a photograph or ten!  Why does she always have to take so many photographs?  I guess it’s a woman’s prerogative, like being late!  I hope you can see the wonderful Gucci sunglasses I’m wearing, with dangley earrings too - very smart and posh, I thought - but not sure whether they are quite me, dahling!

All went well for Mrs. HCB with Gurpreet, who suggested that reading glasses might be better and easier for her than just the varifocals, so she then saw Seb - someone else we love to get a quote.  However, the new reading glasses are being deferred at the moment, due to some other expense (!) and Seb said she understood.  I did hear Seb reminding Mrs. HCB that she and Mr. HCB would be welcome to the “Etnia Takeover Day” on the 12th August, just to browse everything bold, colourful & everything wonderfully Etnia but Mrs. HCB said that Kate had already invited them.  However, they had been waiting to see when Mrs. HCB’s operation would be before responding to the invitation, but now they knew it was two days before the operation, I heard Mrs. HCB say they might just pop in.  Seb said unfortunately she would be on holiday, but when cake was mentioned, Mrs. HCB’s eyes lit up so I think she will definitely pop in!  

Then to round off an already good morning, when Mrs. HCB came out from seeing Gurpreet, she saw two lovely friends, Mr. & Mrs. Payn - so they stopped to chat with them.  It seems that only the best people go to Leightons!  It’s a good job they were all retired, because they seemed to spend a lot of time chatting - is that what retirement is all about - if so, that’s what I’m going to do soon?  

Take care, lovely Blippers, it’s raining here, so Mr. HCB won’t be doing anything in the garden today, but hopefully by Friday, all the rain will be gone, so that he can go to cricket at Cheltenham - another retirement hobby!

Love to you all - and thanks to all the lovely people at Leightons, including Adam who said he knew the HCBs were in when they saw me - see you soon!

Leighton xxx

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