New Adventures

By P1nkdragen


Had an amazing time tonight at the falls of Clyde nature reserve on a badger watch.  We wandered to a bit of the wood and sat very still and quietly (including the very well behaved childred with us) until one of the kids whispered 'badger!'. Lo and behold there was a cub running about, then another, and they had a wee tumble, ran about, one tried to go up a hill, then a couple of adults came out.  Then they all ran around, went round and round a tree.  Best bit was they came along the path and seemed to notice we were there, or that something was infront of them - three stopped, looked around and then bolted off infront of us to muck aorund just a few meters away.  Never seen a bunch of adults and kids so quiet and still!!  Just as it got dark, they started to wander off on their evening worm forage and we quietly made our way back to the road.  Had a lovely chat with M too and we got to know each other a bit!

Top tip, if you're in Lanarkshire over the summer ever, try and book on a badger watch!  The ranger did say that it 'didn't get much better' than what we saw and it was pretty spectacular.  Only wish P was well enough to come as he was still suffering with tonsilitis. 

I wasn't brave enough to blip the badgers themselves - the light was pretty low under the trees and I wasn't confident that I knew enough of the camera to remove the shutter sound.  You really didn't want to be the one person that scared the badgers away! (The Ranger said that one night some 'let loose some wind' just as the badgers appeared, then due to their very good sense of smell, they bolted and didn't come back out again) So the blip is of the rather fine Badger mural instead.

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