Church of Höri

Some surprises today: we didn't think it would be 27 degrees Celsius and that we would be able to go for a bike ride after work without getting wet. 

But after dinner it started to rain and there was a strong wind. A little later we saw boats with blue lights on the lake - not a good sign. A total of 5 rescue boats are busy on the lake with some kind of search and rescue operation and in the meantime it has already become dark. Hopefully only a false alarm and nothing serious. 

Update, 3rd Aug 2023, the information I found on internet about yesterday's operation: 
"Yesterday, Thursday (02.08), during a short storm with wind gusts of around 80 km/h, the Radolfzell fire brigade was alerted together with the DLRG and the water police to the Wangen area at around 8:30 pm. According to the report, a catamaran had capsized and several people were in the water. The area was extensively searched by several boats. However, no overturned boat and no persons could be found in the water.

During the journey to Wangen, another emergency was reported in the area between Reichenau Island and Mannenbach-Salenstein. According to the report, a helpless surfer was on his board. The water police, who arrived first, found that the surfer was already able to get ashore on his own. Therefore, no further intervention was necessary there either."

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