
By Mistert1ckle

Sneaky Peek.....

Beautiful day today and I got the train into Edinburgh for a 9am meeting with a consultant then headed to the Kilt Store at Haymarket to pick up my new kilt I bought a few months back for K's wedding.

I bought my full outfit here in 2007 but am now getting bored as its an all black kilt with no colours.

This time I opted for the Black Stewart and purchased matching garter flashes and tie.

After trying on outfit and checking all was good I headed next door to the highly recommended Jacob Artisan Bakery for some scrambled egg bacon and toast. Great start to the day.

After this I got the train back to the office for meeting with our internal staff on some performance issues. Never an easy task but needs done.

After a nice walk round the back Mill Farm at lunchtime I spent the afternoon locked away in the office.

Left at 5:30pm and returned home to finally complete the back section of the fence.

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