Wednesday: Tamales

We’re sponsoring a project at the Belize Botanical Gardens so today I got to take a trip there and have a tour.  It was excellent - days like today always beat a day in the office.  I also got to learn how to make tamales…….

Regarding the kittens, the mother came and took three in the night……leaving one. He is now with us…..he’s about ten days old and tiny.  K. found someone who came over and showed us how to feed him with a syringe.  Kittens also need to be burped - who knew?  Anyway, I’m pleased to report I massaged a little burp out of him.

 He’s super hungry and is eating every two hours or so - it’s going to be a long night.  We can’t keep him so K has found a place that will take him and we will make a monthly contribution towards his upkeep.  

Not being able to keep him hasn’t stopped us calling him Winston.  The extra shows how tiny he is.  At this point, he had fallen asleep on my hand.  Alternatively, I could be lying and he is in fact a normal sized cat, making my hand the size of a ham hock.  

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