The Giraffe Emporium

By Talia

Sunset Boulevard

Just took this out of my window, I will miss these sunsets... they are what make living on the 3rd floor bearable!

Today was my first day of freedom... so shopping in Manchester was in order, Samantha and I went to Piccadilly and decided to potter around doing a ladies who lunch on a budget :) Students after all!

The train back was horrendous, although managed to nap on the train.. and wake up panicking I've missed my stop and will be well on the way to Barrow-In-Furness! But it was ok, made it to Campus to wish Ollie luck for his last exam tomorrow!

I am going home tomorrow the first trip back since the 21st of April, very excited, but GUTTED at the same time missing Ollie's gig. (sorry!)

Still need to pack.... so naturally I am watching I-Player.

Hard life eh?

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