
By Toontrouble

Life in an envelope

In that envelope is the last 12 years of my working life. Redundancy is imminent but every cloud will hopefully have a silver lining. Brushed aside like a pile of rubbish. I've given my all for 12 years but that means nothing, someones opinion of me brings it all to a close. My argument being if that's the job you think I'm doing why didn't you get me in and tell me so I could improve. As one door closes hopefully another one will open. I've know it's time to move on for a while but was reluctant maybe even scared to jump but also didn't want to walk away without any money.. Now is the time I see better things. A job with better money but less responsibility, even better would be a lottery win.
There's much going on this world that is more significant than me losing my job,....

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