
The view from Totterdown bridge.   Loving to see this brightness, on the morning when phone calls from estate agents and solicitors confirmed that I have exchanged contracts on my mum’s house.  This apparently means it’s definite, and will be completed next Thursday, 10th. 
I sat in the kitchen and cried, mainly from relief, that I don’t have to carry the weight from that house any more, nor do I have to worry about being short of money any more. 
Then I went to the Oxfam shop, as usual for a Wednesday, where we had a good afternoon together. Walking over this bridge takes me into the city to catch the bus - one of many ways I can go, but probably my favourite. 
Funnily enough in the night I had terrible dreams about being on holiday (in San Francisco oddly enough) and losing everything, all my luggage, passport, money, and trying to get someone to help me, and nobody would. Went on and on for ages, asking different people for help. Thinking it over this morning I suppose it’s about processing the loss of my mum and dads home, and also having coped with it alone. Sorry, I wouldn’t normally bore other people with my dreams:) but this seemed big, and one to remember in my journal. 
But on the whole, life ahead seems pretty bright to me. 

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