Return to the North

By Viking

Waiting !

We’ve had a fine (alas not overly sunny) day today but rain, thunder and lightning is due. At 10.30pm the rain arrived so I headed to the landing window to spot the lightning - alas nothing so far!
Other events today that might give you a laugh……
I took my elderly aunt shopping and then we both headed round to my other aunts for lunch. The second aunt lives next door to her son and family and so have a close bond.
Today the family cockapoo was chasing between both gardens like a mad hatter and as usual she jumped up at me. I got cross with her and told her off at which point she went bolting back to her home house and garden. I turned my back to get a garden chair to sit in when Pippa (the dog) came bounding back round with a slipper in her mouth, jumped up and slapped me on the backside with the slipper! My two aunts were beside themselves laughing. Pippa then bolted back into her house, dropped the slipper and came back to sit at my feet, looking all calm and innocent.

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