
By memento

The Other Side...

The speediest route from the west side to the south side of the city is through the freeway tunnel. I don't mind the is not that long, it's well lit and motorists do a relatively good job staying in their lanes. Maybe I don't venture out that way often enough because whenever I emerge from the tunnel on the south side, a slight excitement pops up, a feeling that I'm "on the other side", which, technically I am.

My destination today was one of my favorites, a small fabric shop on the east side of the city, brimming with luscious textiles and staffed with sales people I really like. I like them so much that I ought to drop in more frequently just to see them and shoot the breeze, especially since it takes me less than twenty minutes to get there.

They always inquire why I don't drop by more often, seeing that I adore reply is that I'm busy and that it is a bit of a haul for me, living where I do. When I walked in this morning they all called my name out loud and then asked if I packed a lunch for the expedition to come and see them. Smarty pants, they are obviously onto me and my lame excuses. :)

Disclaimer: do not operate a point and shoot camera for even three seconds while driving in a tunnel, even if the nearest vehicle is five car lengths away.

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