The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild


Today marked my first killer power walk with my younger daughter, who I think may be part jackrabbit. Able to race up and down the big hills in our neighborhood, she showed me no mercy, and I am feeling it this evening.

The end of "Part 1" of our walk gave us a short break at our local Arboretum. I noticed right away that something new had been added to one of the paths, so we walked over to have a look.

Sounds great, doesn't it? We took a look and noted that nothing was different. In fact, the area looked barren in spots. I remembered it being far more Prehistoric looking last week!

Seems as if the landscapers went too far removing so many of the ferns and other plants, just to make it easy for kids to pick out the plant species that "existed with the dinosaurs," as a pamphlet promised.

I am all for nature education, but this garden was unimpressive and made us both a bit sad. The children who were on a field trip ignored the area, finding the wild plantings of the large pond far more interesting, with its many fish, ducks, geese, and turtles.

Some things are better left untouched by human hands. Don't you agree?

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