
By wildmint

Lions, Etosha

Within ten minutes of leaving the campsite this morning we saw four cars stopped at the side of the road. We asked what they were looking at…..lions! They were hiding under the shade of a tree and at first we saw there was one adult with two larger cubs, however, it turned out that there were two females and four cubs. We waited patiently them to move and then, sadly for them, a noisy family turned up in a car, hanging out of the windows and talking loudly so they quickly moved on. We felt very honoured to have seen them. Again, there are better photos of other wildlife taken later but I had to blip the lions. See extra.

We had a leisurely start this morning and I spent a couple of hours at the waterhole watching the birds, impalas and zebras drink. They were very skittish arriving and it took a long time for them to make their way to the water. (We stayed at this campsite in 2019 and I looked back at the time on my photos and the zebras arrived for their morning drink within five minutes our last visit).

We then spent four and a half hours driving around a small section of the park seeing zebras, elephants, Blue wilderbeast, Red Hartbeasts, giraffes, impala, springboks, oryxes and one black rhino. We also drove close to the Etosha salt pan which was empty and looking very dry. It was windy at time today so the sky line became grey very quickly with the sand/salt being blown into the air.

We spent the second part of the afternoon relaxing, had an early dinner and set off for the waterhole again. We were a bit late arriving and the sun had already set and there was a black rhino already at the water hole. It was soon joined by two others and over the next hour and a half they were quite active for rhinos with some serious courtship going on. We also saw a back backed jackal, a hyaena and a lone zebra. Another fabulous day in the NP.

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