Music while you work!

If you recognise this title you are an older person like me!!! If not and you are interested then Google it :0)))

In the old house we had Sky and I used an old tv with a box in my sewing room for background music. Sky hasn’t got here yet and the sewing room doesn’t have a tv aerial, so I’ve bought this CD/radio kit for the landing. I’m checking through all the old CD’s to see which I want to keep. Some are grim, other bring back happy memories and I sing along to them. I’ve also discovered Greatest Hits radio station with Ken Bruce which is just my teenage era. 

A postponement of plans today. I was just so tired that I didn’t have the energy. I have had a rest and did some tapestry in between odd jobs. My brain hadn’t received the memo, so was batting on generating other jobs to be added to the ‘to do’ list.

One that raised my interest was some conference posters that I submitted when working in 2000 & 2005. I had planned to cut them up and dispose of them before we moved, but that didn’t happen and they ended up here on top of a wardrobe. A’s visit last week and discussions about how ‘our service’ is being provided these days, made me dig them out to photograph and send to A. I’m curious to know if they still do regular audits. It was a task that I thoroughly enjoyed as it helped us see if we were succeeding in what we aimed to do and were making a difference. 

We had a lovely long walk late afternoon, quite invigorating. 

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